Welcome To ECI Foundation

Phone : +91 83096 34283

Email : info@ecifoundation.com


Paid Member

  • Any person who completed 50 years and who seeks life membership may be granted Life Membership in this club upon: (1) recommendation of this Club to Foundation, (2) payment to the Club organization.
  • A Life member has a right to vote on all matters requiring a vote of the membership. To join as a Life member in Elders Club (Basic), Elders Club (Regular), Elders Club (Prominent) shall pay onetime fee (donation) entry fee (Donation) at the time of Admission in advance and time to time any Fee (donation) prescribed by International Board of Trustees or its equivalent in the respective national currency accept to pay and after approval can be a life member in Elders Clubs (Basic/Regular/Prominent),
  • Life membership fee for Couple or Family Members– Two adults living in the same household (who completed 50 years) are eligible to become Adult Couple or Family Life Membership. They can seek LIFE MEMBERSHIP. To join as Adult Couple or Family Life member in Elders Club (Basic), Elders Club (Regular), Elders Club (Prominent) shall pay onetime fee (donation), entry Fee at the time of Admission in advance and time to time any Fees (donations) prescribed by International Board of Trustees or its equivalent in the respective national currency accept to pay and after approval can become Adult Couple or Family Life member in Elders Club (Basic /Regular/ Prominent).
  • A Life Member and Adult Couple or Family life Member shall have all privileges of active membership so long as he/she fulfills all obligations thereof. A Life Member and Adult Couple member or Family Member who desires to relocate and receives an invitation to join another Elders Club (But Basic, Regular, Prominent Club) members can relocate in the same category clubs only) shall automatically become a Life Member of said club. Nothing herein shall prevent this club from charging a Life Member and Adult Couple or Family life member such dues as it shall deem proper. This membership category shall be included in the Club delegate formula calculation. By invitation Adult Couple or Family Members shall represent the Club as delegates at District, State, National and International conventions. He/she (Only one) shall be eligible to hold Club, District, State, National and International Office, or Committee assignment. But Adult Couple or Family members will have only one Vote.

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