Welcome To ECI Foundation

Phone : +91 83096 34283

Email : info@ecifoundation.com



Paid Member

ASSOCIATE MEMBER (Paid Member): A member who holds his/her primary membership in another Elders Club but maintains a residence or is employed in the community served by this Club. This status may be conferred by the invitation of the Board of Executives and shall be reviewed annually. The Club shall not report an Associate Member on its Membership Report. An Associate Member may be eligible to vote on club matters, at meetings where he/she is present in person, but may not represent the club as a delegate at District/State/National/ International Conventions or hold any post, nor committee assignments through this Club. Dues shall not be assessed on an Associate; PROVIDED, however, nothing shall prevent this Club from assessing an Associate such dues as it shall deem proper. This membership category will not be included in the Club delegate formula calculation.

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