Welcome To ECI Foundation

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Email : info@ecifoundation.com


Paid Member

GRAND PATRON (Paid Member): The person or Institution/ Company/Corporate/Organization can seek grand patron. To join as a Grand Patron in Elders Club (Basic/ Regular/ Prominent) shall pay onetime fee (donation) prescribed by International Board of Trustees from time to time any fees (donation) or its equivalent in the respective national currency shall pay and after approval can join as Grand Patron in the respective Elders Club.

On behalf of Grand Patron one person can present in all club activities; also represent the Elders Club as a delegate at District, State, National or International conventions without voting right. He/ She shall not be eligible to hold any post in Elders Club, District, State, National or International offices, or committee assignment. Elders Clubs may put the grand patron’s name or their suggestive name for the structures/ projects/ committees/ programs/ vehicles/ equipment’s etc

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